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G’Lancer: Summer 2023

Posted Date: 04/26/2024

G’Lancer: Summer 2023

Churchill News | 4J District News | Community News


Churchill School Events Calendar | Churchill Athletic Calendar | 4J District Calendar

June 26 – August 18   Summer Office Hours
9 am – 12 pm, 1 pm – 3 pm
Closed on Fridays
June 26 – August 14   Churchill School-Based Health Center Closed
June 30   Diploma Pickup Day (open 8 am – 4 pm)
July 4   School Closed — Independence Day
July 10 – August 27   Summer Intensive Courses: REGISTER HERE
July 31 – 4   Summer Bridge: REGISTER HERE
August 8   Fall athletic registrations due: REGISTER HERE
(cheer, cross country, football, boys’ and girls’ soccer, volleyball)
August 14   Fall athletics practices begin
August 21 9 am–12 pm Back-to-School for 10th and 11th Grades
(office closed in the afternoon)
August 22 9 am–12 pm Back-to-School for 9th and 12th Grades
(office closed in the afternoon)
August 27   Project Hope Fair*
Register for ATA location (Churchill/South Regions)
Register for Howard location (North/Sheldon Regions)
September 4   School Closed — Labor Day
September 6   9th-Grade Orientation
September 7   Classes Begin

* Community-sponsored event: Liability is the responsibility of the organizers of the event.

Churchill News

Summer Office Hours

The office is open! 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m., 1:00–3:00 p.m.

Closed on Fridays. Closed July 4.

School-Based Health Center closed June 26–August 14.

Hoots Summer Hours

We are excited to share a mental health resource that will support 4J students over the summer! Beginning July 10th through August 11th the HOOTS Crisis Clinics will run three days a week! We will be at South every Tuesday, Churchill every Wednesday, and Sheldon every Thursday. Each clinic will run from 10 AM – 2 PM.

The HOOTS program, an offshoot program from White Bird’s CAHOOTS, will continue our services during 4J Summer Intensives. The clinic contains a crisis worker and an EMT, our services are HIPAA compliant, and we can provide short-term counseling, crisis intervention, basic first aid, and community referrals. We are in schools to provide extra support to students who are experiencing anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, difficulty meeting their basic needs, issues at school, at home, with friends or with family…and so much more! The clinic can connect students to services in the community, long-term counseling, and even get them signed up for OHP on site.

Anyone can access the clinic and students can sign up by doing the following:

  1. Students enrolled in 4J Summer Intensives can self-refer or get referred by a friend, teacher, counselor, parent, or school administrator here. As always, please consider referring students who are struggling to us!
  2. Students who are not enrolled in 4J Summer Intensives but are 4J students and need support over the summer can book appointments here. It is important to us to continue serving youth over the summer!

Hoots Summer Hours flyer

Adolescent & Family Services (AFS)

The Adolescent & Family Services (AFS) Program will continue supporting 4J youth throughout Summer Break. Our counselors have flexible availability and can meet with students on school campuses, at our clinic downtown, and via Zoom. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact us directly or CLICK HERE to refer students to the AFS Program. (Students can self-refer.)

In addition to serving teenagers with substance use challenges, we have expanded our scope to provide broader mental health support. Our work has only been possible with the enthusiastic collaboration and support of 4J staff. We look forward to exploring what more we can accomplish as a team next year!


  • Open: July 10–August 18, 2023
  • Serve: Monday–Friday
  • Breakfast: 9–9:30 a.m.
  • Lunch: 12–12:30 p.m.

Churchill Region: Arts & Technology Academy, 1650 W. 22nd Ave.

Summer Bridge


Register: SIGN UP HERE

Cost: FREE – including meals and snacks! (and bus pass, if needed)

When: July 31–August 4, choose your session:

  • Morning: 8:30–11:30 am — or —
  • Afternoon: 12:30–3:30 pm

Location: Churchill High School, 1850 Bailey Hill Rd, Eugene, OR 97405


  • Feel ready and confident to start high school.
  • Learn your way around campus.
  • Peer Navigator leaders: Churchill juniors and seniors.
  • Ask questions, hear stories, & get good advice.
  • Earn high school credit!
  • Discover helpful school resources.
  • Connect with friends, find new ones, and make your first High School memories!

Register today!

Questions: Gene Chism,


Para registrarse: INSCRIBASE AQUÍ

Costo: GRATIS — ¡Incluye comidas yunas meriendas (pasajes en autobus sison requeridos)

Escoja su horario: 31 de julio–5 de agosto de 2023 (Las sesiones se realizarán de lunes aviernes)

  • En la Mañana: 8:30–11:30 am — o —
  • Por la Tarde: 12:30–3:30 pm

Ubicación: Churchill High School, 1850 Bailey Hill Rd, Eugene, OR 97405

Detalles del evento:

  • Se sientan seguros de sí mismosantes de comenzar la secundaria.
  • Se familiaricen con la escuela a la que asistirán.
  • Conozcan a los estudiantes de Churchill que los guiarán durante el evento.
  • Hicieran preguntas, escucharanhistorias y obtuvieran consejos.
  • Obtuvieran crédito.
  • Descubrieran recursos escolaresindispensables.
  • Conectaran con e hicieran amigosnuevos para de esa maneracomenzar a adquirir los mejoresrecuerdos de esta experiencia.

Por favor, regístrese lo más pronto posible.

Preguntas: Gene Chism,

4J Summer Intensives Classes

The 4J High School Summer Intensive Program provides opportunities for students to extend their learning into the summer months in courses designed by and led by outstanding 4J licensed educators. Course offerings reflect the curiosities and passions of both students and teachers. Courses are offered at all four high schools; however, students may register for any course, regardless of their home high school.

  • Click here for a list of dates, locations, and course descriptions.

Churchill Cheer Summer Camp 2023 (Grades  K – 8)

  • Churchill Cheer Summer Camp 2023, Grades K – 8

CHS College and Career Center

College and Career Center on a hanging sign with a stack of books with an apple on top and a pencil cup next to the stackHelpful Tips for Seniors
Brought to you by the College & Career Center

We hope you have a restful and enjoyable summer. When you come back as a senior, there will be a lot to think about. Not to worry, we can help. Here are some helpful tips to make your senior year less stressful and more successful.

If you applying to a 4-year college/university what can you do during the summer to get started? Good question. We have the answer.

1. Research colleges. The more you know, the easier the application process will be. What do you need to know BEFORE you apply?

 A. First things first. You need to know what type of application the college(s) require. There are generally three types; The Common Application, the Coalition Application, or their own application. Some colleges may accept all of these forms of applications and some may only accept one. Check the college’s website to find out what they require.

 B. You will need to know what the college requires you to submit in addition to the application. You may need a transcript, letters of recommendation, or both. You don’t want to request something you don’t need. That’s just more work for you. However, you don’t want to miss deadlines.

 C. Speaking of transcripts and letters of recommendation, you’ll need to know how to request them when the time comes. You will request transcripts and letters of recommendation, through Naviance. This allows us to send the documents electronically. That saves you time, schools prefer to get documents electronically and you can track the submission status. We’ll send you an email when school starts with the direction for requesting transcripts and letters of recommendation. It’s a good idea to put in your request at that time for colleges you are applying to!! You can always request more later.

 D. Did you know the Common App and the Coalition App open on August 1st? Most colleges make their application available then also. Get a jump on things and start your applications before you return to school.

If you are applying to a community college:

  1. All two-year colleges, commonly called community colleges or junior colleges have their own applications.
  2. These can be found on their individual websites.
  3. Each college’s application process can be different so make sure you know the details.
  4. The admissions office at a two-year college typically does not require a transcript, however, there are times when the college will need a transcript to know what classes you should take.
  5. We do not send transcripts through Naviance to two-year colleges. If you need one, find out to what office the transcript should be sent and then email your Counselor or our Registrar, Dorothy Catanese, or
  6. Please tell us what office needs the transcript and how to send it to them, i.e. email or mail. Or, if you can submit the transcript, we can send it to you.


1. You can start researching and applying for scholarships NOW!! Here are some resources to get you started:


Scholarship Searches/information

2. The 2023/2024 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) opens on October 1st. Even if you can’t fill out the form now, you can create your FSA ID which is your username and password. You can do that HERE. Even if you don’t think you will be eligible for need based aid, you should still file the FAFSA. Some scholarships and colleges require FAFSA information.

***Do not fill out the 2022/2023 FAFSA. You are starting college in 2023 so you fill out the 2023/24. Planning ahead is important!***

And lastly, we provide a lot of opportunities for you to get help and the information you need. The best thing is, they are FREE. Colleges visit our campus during lunch; we have workshops to help you fill out all types of applications, information sessions, and a fair so you can connect with a wide variety of resources and a whole lot more. There are several ways you can find out what’s happening. Watch the TV monitors in the College and Career Center or the student lounge area, listen to the announcements, READ YOUR EMAILS, look at the calendar of events in the student lounge area check out the CHS calendar, visit the College & Career Center website and Naviance.

We look forward to seeing you in the Fall.

Sheree Houck (she/her)

Program Coordinator, College and Career Center
Churchill High School | Eugene School District 4J | (541) 790-5115 | text: (541) 854-5447


4J District News

Summer Food Programs

Free and Reduced Benefits

All 4J families are encouraged to learn more about the benefits of the Free and Reduced-Price Meals program. Families who qualify can benefit outside of the school lunch program with free bus passes, healthcare, low-cost internet, reduced sports fees, and more!

4J Summer Library Connection

LGBTQIA+ youth summer info

15th Night Resources for Youth

Community News

Direction Services 2022 Summer Directory

Driver’s Ed at Churchill

DBT Mental Health Skills Group for Teens

Age: 14-17 | Located in Lane County


  • Teens age 14-17
  • Looking for additional support in gaining a wide variety of coping skills to manage stress and strong emotions
  • Currently engaged with a primary therapist

Part I:

  • Wednesdays, 4 – 6 pm: June 14 – Aug 30

Part II will begin in Fall 2023

Part I participants given priority enrollment

Dinner & Course Materials Provided


  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) provides group members with concrete skills to manage difficult emotions, navigate relationships, and live in the present moment
  • The group format allows teens to practice and learn from one another
  • Skills and strategies will be shared with caregivers to improve family relationships and better support teens
  • This group is most effective when paired with individual therapy

**Optional Parent Sessions held virtually at the beginning of each module on June 5, June 19 & July 17

Group is FREE for Oregon Health Plan (OHP) Members. Self pay/sliding scale options available.
Learn more at or call: 541-743-4348 | 1170 Pearl St. Eugene, OR 97401 | 541-743-4340 |

Project Hope 2023

Save the Date! 4J Back to School Giveaway

Shoes! Socks! Backpacks! Games!

Every student must have a ticket and be present at the event to receive supplies.

Reserva: Regreso a la escuela Giveaway

¡Zapatos! ¡Calcetines! Mochilas! ¡Juegos!

Todo estudiante debe tener un boleto y estar presente en el evento para recibir suministros.

Reserve a ticket (Reservar un billete):

Tickets will be available starting Friday, August 18th.

Las entradas estarán disponibles a partir del viernes 18 de agosto.

Held at two locations in 4J for grades K-12 (Se lleva a cabo en dos ubicaciones en 4J para los grados K-12):

Portland State University Philosophy Summer Camp for High School Students

Earn college credit! Applications are due July 10.

Details in the flyer: