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Family Bulletin, September 30, 2022

Posted Date: 04/26/2024

Hello, Churchill families and students,

Happy Friday!  I hope that your week has gone well and that this weekend brings you time to relax and recoup after this fourth week of school.  Hard to believe that we have been in school for a full month.  The weeks are going by quickly, and soon we will be at mid-terms and then the end of the trimester.   I encourage you to talk to your student(s) about their grades, their assignments, and their classes.  Teachers are updating grades, and some of the first big projects in classes are either due or have just been finished.  There is still plenty of time to raise grades, and get caught up with classes if needed.  Check in with teachers and keep turning in assignments.

Please know that we are here to support you in any way if you have questions or concerns about all things CHS.  We appreciate the partnership that we have with you, our families, and the community, and know that it is a great gift to have your student(s) here with us each day in our classrooms and halls.

Enjoy your weekend.  Go, Lancers!

Missy Cole
Principal, Churchill High School







MONDAY, 10/3
At Lunch — Bushnell University Visit


  • JV Football vs SEHS at 4 pm

Possible partial closure of the parking lot by the tennis courts (see the announcement below)

At Lunch — Grand Canyon University Visit


  • JV Volleyball vs. Sheldon at 5:15 pm
  • V Volleyball vs. Sheldon at 6:45 pm

Possible partial closure of the parking lot by the tennis courts (see the announcement below)


  • JV Boys Soccer at Thurston at 4 pm
  • V Girls Soccer vs Thurston at Hamlin MS at 4 pm
  • V Boy Soccer at Thurston at 6 pm


  • JV volleyball at Thurston at 5:30 PM
  • Varsity volleyball at Thurston at 6:45 PM

FRIDAY, 10/7
At Lunch — University of San Francisco Visit


  • Varsity football at Springfield at 7:00 PM


  • Varsity girls soccer vs. Crater at 1:00 PM
  • Varsity boys soccer vs. Crater at 3:00 PM

OCTOBER 10–14 

MONDAY, 10/10

  • JV Football vs. Springfield at 5 pm

TUESDAY, 10/11
3rd Period — FIRE DRILL


  • JV boys soccer vs. NEHS at 4:00 PM
  • JV volleyball vs. Eagle Point at 5:30 PM
  • Varsity boys soccer vs. north Eugene at 6:00 PM
  • Varsity volleyball vs. Eagle Point at 6:45 PM



  • JV girls soccer vs. NEHS and Triangle Lake at 4:00 PM
  • Varsity girls soccer vs. NEHS and Triangle Lake at 6:00 PM


  • JV volleyball vs. Springfield at 5:30 PM
  • Varsity volleyball vs. Springfield at 6:45 PM

FRIDAY, 10/14 — NO SCHOOL (Progress Reports)


  • Varsity Football vs. NEHS at 7 pm



  • JV girls soccer at Ashland at 1:00 PM
  • Varsity girls soccer at Ashland at 5:00 PM
  • Varsity boys soccer at Ashland at 3:00 PM
  • JV boys soccer at Ashland at 5:00 PM


School Announcements

Partial Parking Lot Closure

The City of Eugene will close a section of the parking lot near the tennis courts to pour concrete, depending on the weather on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 4 and 5. Here is a map of the area that will be closed.

Parking Lot Closure


PSAT Testing Day/College and Career Day

On Wednesday, October 12th, ALL 10th-grade students and a select number of 11th grader students will be taking the PSAT during the school day.  This is a district-wide event at all high schools.  9th grade, those 11th grader students not taking the PSAT, and 12th graders will attend their regularly scheduled classes.  This is a full day of school, but with a modified schedule for the day, see below.  ALL buses will run on their regularly scheduled routes and times.

Testing day schedule: 

*(10th and select 11th graders will test from 8:30 am – 12:30 pm)

  • Period 1 – 8:30 am – 9:14 am
  • Period 2 – 9:19 am – 10:03 am
  • Period 3 – 10:08 – 10:52 am
  • Period 4 – 10:52 am – 11:41 am
  • Period 5 – 11:46 am – 12:30 pm
  • Lunch – 12:30 pm – 1:05 pm
  • Teacher Office hours – 1:10 pm – 2:20 pm
  • Teacher Prep – 2:20 pm – 3:30 pm


Resources for talking to your students about violence

With the recent uptick in violence in our nation, our communities, and sadly in our schools, we wanted to offer some tools for talking to your student(s) about violence.  This can be a stressful conversation and one that can cause anxiety for both parents/guardians and students. Parents and families are such critical partners in supporting students and providing guidance following any incidents. The National Association of School Psychologists has resources to assist parents and teachers.


Canvas 101 for students

Are you new to Canvas, or do you just need a refresher? Students and families can enroll in Canvas 101 for Students to learn how to use Canvas.

There are two ways to find this course:


Reporting an Absence

  • Please inform the attendance office each day that your student is absent.
  • Absences need to be excused within 2 business days.
  • Pre-planned absences of three or more days may be excused if arranged in advance by filling out the pre-arranged absence form available in our front office or on our website at

To excuse by 24-hour voice message: 541-790-5102

To excuse by email:


Perfect Attendance Celebrations

We would like to celebrate our students when everyone is in class and on time for 1st period!  When this occurs, teachers will notify Administration that they have perfect attendance, and then we will come to the class to celebrate, recognize their effort, and share a small prize with the teacher and class.  We hope to branch this out to all classes as the year goes on to be in class, on time, and ready to learn.


Volunteer for Site Council

Site Council is a group of teachers, support staff, students, and parent representatives who determine the mission, vision, and school improvement goals for Churchill High School. Churchill is looking for new community members that would like to be part of this important work. Our meetings are once a month and will always honor the time of our team. Please contact Assistant Principal Lancelot Falcon ( for further information.


Grad Party Planning, Volunteers Needed

The 2023 Grad Party Committee is holding its first meeting Wednesday, October 5th at 6 pm at Gryff’s Pub across from the high school. Parents of junior students are encouraged to come as well. If you cannot make it to the meeting but would like to be added to our email distribution list, please email us at with your contact information. Hope to see you on the 5th!


Community Announcements

Learn to ride a bike!

A free, all-ages, drop-in event!

Friday, October 7th

Drop-in between 3:00 pm & 6:00 pm

Bikes provided and/or bring your own bike and helmet

For questions or to volunteer contact: Sarah Mazze at (541) 516-0887 or


Get to School Safely!

We encourage students to get to school using active transportation like walking, biking, skating, and scooting, or shared transportation like busing and carpooling. It’s great for their health and the environment and makes the space around our school safer and less trafficked.

Please take a look at the safety tip sheets for walking and biking on our regional Safe Routes to School website, and go over some of the safety tips with your student: 

Finally, when choosing a walking or biking route, try a route other than the one you would use to drive to school. Sidewalk riding on busy streets is dangerous because people driving don’t expect people biking on sidewalks. Quieter neighborhood streets may be a better option. Safe Routes to School has walking maps on their website, here:  You can also connect with our Safe Routes to School staff for route planning assistance at or 541-790-7539.

¡Llegue a la escuela con seguridad!

Alentamos a los estudiantes a llegar a la escuela utilizando medios de transporte activos, como caminar, andar en bicicleta, patinar y andar en patineta, o medios de transporte compartidos, como autobuses y vehículos compartidos. Es excelente para su salud y el medio ambiente y hace que el espacio alrededor de nuestra escuela sea más seguro y menos transitado.

Eche un vistazo a las hojas de consejos de seguridad para caminar y andar en bicicleta en el sitio web de Rutas seguras a la escuela de nuestra región, y repase algunos de los consejos de seguridad con su estudiante:

Finalmente, cuando elija una ruta para caminar o andar en bicicleta, pruebe con una ruta diferente a la que usaría para conducir a la escuela. Andar en bicicleta en las aceras es peligroso porque las personas que manejan no esperan que las personas anden en bicicleta en las aceras. Las calles más tranquilas del vecindario pueden ser una mejor opción. Safe Routes to School tiene mapas para caminar en su sitio web, aquí:  También puede conectarse con nuestro personal de Safe Routes to School para obtener asistencia en la planificación de rutas en mazze_s@ o 541-790-7539.


Hispanic Heritage Event

National Hispanic Heritage Event


Let’s chat!

You’re invited to join Eugene School District 4J Superintendent Dr. Andy Dey for a one-on-one conversation. Sign up to request your 30-minute chat. Conversations are being scheduled through September 2022. This is an opportunity for parents, students, staff, and other community members to talk with Superintendent Dey, ask questions, and share concerns and suggestions for the school district.


Están invitados a unirse al superintendente del Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J, el Dr. Andy Dey, para una conversación individual. Regístrese para solicitar su chat personal de 30 minutos. Las conversaciones se programarán desde ahora hasta septiembre de 2022. Esta es una oportunidad para que los padres, los estudiantes, el personal y otros miembros de la comunidad puedan hablar con el superintendente Dey, hacer preguntas y compartir inquietudes y sugerencias para el distrito escolar.