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Important Senior Events This Week, April 3, 2023

Posted Date: 04/26/2024

Seniors and Families,

This is a busy week with important events to remember and take part in.


This Week

Graduation Party Planning Meeting, Wednesday, April 5, 6:00 PM
(parents only) in the CHS Library

See the announcement below for more details.

Graduation Information Night, Thursday, April 6, 6:00 PM
(parents and students) in the CHS Cafeteria

Come and learn about activities leading up to the graduation ceremony and how to get ready for the event on June 12.

Graduation Announcement Pickup, Friday, April 7 at student lunch (11:30 AM–1:00 PM)

Pick up the graduation announcements you ordered through Miners Graduate Services. Students are not excused from class to pick up graduation orders. Miners will arrive early and stay after lunch to serve seniors who have a free period at those times.


Grad Party Meeting

Hello, Parents of Senior Students!

Our April meeting will be this Wednesday, the 5th at 6 pm in the school library. Please come with any donated items you have acquired. Tickets for the party are now on sale! Visit our website at for ticket purchase options and party information. We have less than 3 months to plan and prepare so please come to the meeting to get involved!


Coming Soon…

The Graduation Checklist will be ready to share soon. You will start receiving weekly updates in your email inbox. These will be posted on the Class of 2023 Graduation Page.