Family Bulletin
Churchill High School Weekly Newsletter
September 13, 2024
We did it! The first full week of rotating A/B classes, the first week with an Advisory, and the first week of settling into a routine is under our belts. It was another great week here at CHS, and it again reminded me that this will be a great year for our Lancer family! Just a friendly reminder that since we ended on an A Day this Friday, the 13th, Monday, the 16th will be a B Day for students and staff. (Look for the different A and B day flags in the Courtyard and the Student Lounge for visual reminders if you forget, and visit chs.4j.lane.edu/bells to see a calendar of A and B days. I promise we will get the hang of it soon!)
Next week we kick off Hispanic Heritage Month with an assembly on Friday.
I hope you all have a restful weekend,
Go, Lancers!
after-school meal program begins this week
Tuesday, 9/17 — Advisory A Day
EDIT: Welcome Back Assembly rescheduled to Thursday
Tuesday, 9/24 — Linfield University [In-person Visit], 9:15 AM
Wednesday, 9/25 — School Picture MAKEUP Day! 📸
Thursday, 9/26 — Welcome Back Assembly (assembly in Advisory)
Oberlin College [In-person Visit], 11:45 AM
Friday was the last day for students to submit a Schedule Correction Request. Counselors will continue to work on schedule corrections through Wednesday, September 18.
Students: please allow counselors time to get to your request. Check your email for a response from your counselor. If you do not see the correction you requested by Wednesday, please schedule an appointment with your counselor HERE.
IMPORTANT: Check your 4J email for questions/responses from scheduling staff about your request. It is the student's responsibility to keep checking their schedule in StudentVUE for updates, and they must continue attending their classes as shown in StudentVUE.
After School Free Food Program Starts Monday, September 16
Food Services provides after-school power meals at every high school free of charge.
After school, Monday through Friday, starting September 16
Churchill High School Cafeteria.
Any CHS Student (Athletics, Choir, Band, Theater, Clubs, Tutoring, Just Hungry).
Just have your student ID number ready.
Churchill and the Eugene School District 4J know students are busy and need nutritious meals to get through the day.
Purchase online at SchoolPay.com or visit Ken in the Finance Office to pay in person.
Submit your Senior Portraits, Dedications, and Quotes to Jamie now.
College & Career Information for CHS Seniors
Welcome Back Class of 2025! This message is to reassure you that there will be plenty of information and support for you this year as you begin your transition out of high school. My name is Mary Beth and I am the Program Coordinator for College, Career, and CTE. I am now located in the front office of the redesigned Student Support Center. Please stop by and say Hello!
Here are some examples of the opportunities you'll have this year:
- workshops and advisory lessons throughout the year that will cover the Extended Application graduation requirement
- workshops on FAFSA and financial aid for college
- scholarship applications
- college visits and career visits on Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunch
- information on college fairs
- SAT and ACT deadlines
- CHS College & Career Extravaganza for students and families
- CHS School-Wide Opportunities Fair
- CHS College and Career Website: https://blogs.4j.lane.edu/houck_s/
Please watch your 4J email, Canvas, daily announcements, and school TV screen announcements for information throughout the year.
Daily and class period attendance is a HUGE area of emphasis for the State of Oregon and for Churchill High School. All educational research clearly shows that students who attend more simply achieve more from their high school experience. Our goal is for our students to attend a minimum of 97% of their school days/class periods. Students are considered “At Risk” if their attendance is below 95% and are considered truant if they drop below 90% daily attendance.
We want our students in class and learning each day. We will monitor students' individual attendance percentage or absence patterns and connect with them and you on ways to support getting to class each day, on time. We want to seek every possible way that we can to ensure that students attend 95% - 97% of their school day. We will be checking individual attendance rates, mailing attendance letters home to our families so you know how your students' attendance is doing, as well as setting up possible in-person meetings so we can figure out how to help or share resources if needed.
Excusing Your Student's Absence
To request an absence be excused due to sickness, injury, medical appointment, religious holiday, or family emergency:
- Inform the attendance office each day that your student is absent.
- Absences need to be excused within 2 business days.
Pre-planned absences of three or more days may be excused if arranged in advance by filling out the pre-arranged absence form available in our front office or on our website at chs.4j.lane.edu/forms.
- To excuse by voice message (24 hours): 541-790-5102
To excuse by email: chs_attendance@4j.lane.edu
No Cells, Bell to Bell!
We have followed the current research, received input from staff, and consulted with administrators. Though cell phones can be an important tool in many parts of our lives, it is clear that cell phones and other electronics negatively impact student learning and peer relationships during class time.
We ask that students do not have their smartphones and other electronics out during class time so they can focus on their learning. Students can use their smartphones and other electronics before school, after school, and during lunch, but during class time, it’s “No Cell, Bell to Bell”.
If students don’t follow the “No Cell, Bell to Bell” expectation, we will work with the student, and their family on how these expectations will be met, and progressive discipline will be implemented. Some families may opt to have their student leave their phone at home.
Our goal this year at Churchill is to help create phone-free spaces in our classrooms, where students can engage with their teachers and peers, and learning can happen.
Parents/Guardians, we ask you to partner with us to help your student succeed at Churchill High School. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the administration so we can work together to support your child.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We’re excited to announce that you’re a few steps away from activating your Canvas Observer account for your middle or high school student. Canvas Observer enhances engagement with your student’s academic journey, allowing you to read announcements and view grades and assignment due dates, among other features.
All new and returning users must activate their account before you can start using Canvas Observer. To activate your account, complete the following steps:
- Visit 4J’s Canvas for Families webpage and click on “Forgot Password?”
- Enter the email you provided your child’s school and then click the “Request Password” box
- Enter a password after clicking the reset link you receive in your email
- Return to the Canvas for Families webpage to log in with your username and new password
Canvas Observer will not allow you to activate more than one account if parents/guardians have the same email address on file for their student. In this case, contact your school and provide a unique email address for each parent or guardian associated with your student.
Supporting instructions are found on the login page as well as a flyer here.
Please contact your school if you have any questions or run into any problems.
Thank you for your assistance,
Nicholas Hadley
Digital Learning Platform Manager
Eugene School District 4J
4J District News and Events
Eugene School District 4J is committed to open communication and keeping families informed. If you are not receiving emails and text messages from the district or your student’s school, please update your contact information with your student’s school.
We’re writing to keep you informed about the recent measles outbreak in Oregon. Thirty cases have been confirmed in Marion, Clackamas, and Multnomah counties as of August 29, all in unvaccinated people and all but seven of the cases are in youth under 20 years of age.
We know news like this can be concerning. Fortunately, the measles (MMR) vaccine is safe and two doses are 97% effective in preventing measles.
While Churchill’s current two-dose MMR vaccination rate is at or above the 94% threshold needed for herd immunity, it is still important that your students are up-to-date on their immunizations.
Safe Routes to School — Learn to Ride a Bike, Free!
Sigue en español/Spanish follows
Monday, October 7, 4:30-6:30 pm, 4J Education Center, 200 North Monroe St, Eugene
Do you or your child want to learn how to ride a bike? Join 4J, Bethel, and Springfield Safe Routes to School programs, the City of Eugene, the City of Springfield, and Shift Community Cycles for this fun event with bike checks, free helmets and information about bike share.
We’ll start with balancing and gliding without pedals or training wheels. Some will learn to pedal in one session, while others may need more practice to reach that final goal. You don’t need your own bike to participate, but please bring a helmet and bike if you have one. Contact Safe Routes to School at mazze_s@4j.lane.edu or albee_b@4j.lane.edu with questions or to volunteer.
Lunes, 7 de octubre, puede presentarse en cualquier momento entre las 4:30 – 6:30 pm, 4J Education Center (200 N. Monroe St, Eugene)
¿Usted o su hijo quieren aprender a andar en bicicleta? Recibe instrucciones y la práctica necesaria para balancear. Comenzaremos con el equilibrio y el deslizamiento sin pedales ni ruedas de entrenamiento. Algunos aprenderán a pedalear en una sola sesión, mientras que otros pueden necesitar más práctica para alcanzar ese objetivo final.
¡Aprovecha la oportunidad y ven al evento! Únase a 4J, Bethel, y Springfield Safe Routes to School; la ciudad de Eugene; la ciudad de Springfield y Shift Community Cycles para este divertido evento de hacer revisión de bicicletas, cascos gratis y información sobre bicicletas compartidas.
No necesita su propia bicicleta para participar, pero traiga un casco y una bicicleta si tiene uno. Comuníquese con el programa de Rutas Seguras a la Escuela al mazze_s@4j.lane.edu si tiene preguntas o para ser voluntario.
All students in 4J schools can get a student pass to ride Lane Transit District (LTD) buses for free. Student transit passes can be used to travel anywhere within the LTD service area. Student passes can be used at any time—after school, on weekends and during school breaks, as well as to get to and from school each day.
To get a free LTD student transit pass, available as a tap card or Umo smartphone app, guardians/parents can make the request for elementary students; middle and high school students can request their own passes at the front office or at high school registration events. Passes are valid from September 1 of the current school year to October 15th of the following year and can be renewed by the school each year for ongoing free service.
¡Pase de tránsito para estudiantes gratis!
Todos los estudiantes de las escuelas 4J pueden obtener un pase para viajar en los autobuses del Distrito de Tránsito de Lane (LTD) de forma gratuita. Los pases de transporte para estudiantes se pueden usar para viajar a cualquier lugar dentro del área de servicio de LTD. Los pases para estudiantes se pueden usar en cualquier momento: después de la escuela, los fines de semana y durante las vacaciones escolares, así como para ir y volver de la escuela todos los días.
Para obtener un pase de tránsito para estudiantes LTD gratuito, disponible como tarjeta táctil o aplicación para teléfonos inteligentes Umo, los tutores/padres pueden solicitarlo para estudiantes de primaria; los estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria pueden solicitar sus propios pases en la oficina. Los pases son válidos desde el 1 de septiembre del año escolar actual hasta el 15 de octubre del año siguiente y la escuela puede renovarlos cada año para continuar con el servicio gratuito.
The Shedd: Free Student Ticket Opportunity
There are several upcoming free student ticket opportunities at The Shedd. These tickets are available for students in grades K-12. Students can get tickets to these shows individually or as part of a school group.
Please see the individual show information in the attached PDF.
If you have any questions, call 541-434-7000.
Oregon Driver Training Institute
ODTI Winter Driver Training Sessions at Churchill and Garfield Street.
Ophelia's Place
Ophelia's Plase is thrilled to announce their Fall 2024 calendar is now available! It’s packed with exciting events, activities, and opportunities to get involved. You’ll find the full calendar attached as a PDF.
Register for ParentSquare: ParentSquare allows you to receive important information and alerts from your student's classroom and school. Registering allows you to set your notification preferences, among many benefits. Remember to register using the email address you provided your school. Register for ParentSquare