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G’Lancer, June 2022

Posted Date: 04/26/2024

G’Lancer, June 2022

Churchill News | 4J District News | Community News


Churchill School Events Calendar | Churchill Athletic Calendar | 4J District Calendar


June 24–August 15   Churchill School-Based Health Center Closed
June 27–August 5   Summer Office Hours
9 am–12 pm, 1 pm–3 pm
Closed on Fridays
June 27–August 26   FOOD for Lane County Summer Meals Program at Acorn Park*
June 30   Diplomas available for pick up
July 4   School Closed — Independence Day
July 11–August 12   Summer Intensive Courses: REGISTER HERE
August 1–5   Summer Bridge: REGISTER HERE
August 10   Fall athletic registrations due: REGISTER HERE
(cheer, cross country, football, boys’ and birls’ soccer, volleyball)
August 15   Fall athletics practices begin
August 25 9 am–12 pm Back-to-School for 10th and 11th Grades
(office closed in the afternoon)
August 26 9 am–12 pm Back-to-School for 9th and 12th Grades
(office closed in the afternoon)
August 28   Project Hope Fair*
September 5   School Closed — Labor Day
September 6   9th-Grade Orientation
September 7   Classes Begin


* Community-sponsored event: Churchill High School and Eugene School District 4J do not provide financial, administrative, or clerical support for this event. Liability is the responsibility of the organizers of the event.


Churchill News

Summer Office Hours

The office is open! 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m., 1:00–3:00 p.m.

Closed on Fridays. Closed July 4.

School-Based Health Center closed June 24–August 15.


Summer Bridge: Class of 2026

Register: SIGN UP HERE

Cost: FREE – including meals and snacks! (and bus pass, if needed)

When: August 1–5, choose your session:

  • Morning: 8:30 am–11:30 am — OR —
  • Afternoon: 12:30 pm–3:30 pm

Location: Churchill High School, 1850 Bailey Hill Rd, Eugene, OR 97405


  • Feel ready and confident to start high school.
  • Learn your way around campus.
  • Peer Navigator leaders: Churchill juniors and seniors.
  • Ask questions, hear stories, & get good advice.
  • Earn credits!
  • Discover helpful school resources.
  • Connect with friends, find new ones, and make your first High School memories!

Register today!

Questions: Gene Chism,

La conección del verano: bachilleres de 2026

Para registrarse: Inscribase aquí

Costo: GRATIS — ¡Incluye comidas yunas meriendas (pasajes en autobus sison requeridos)

Escoja su horario: 1–5 de agosto de 2022 (Las sesiones se realizarán de lunes aviernes)

  • En la Mañana: 8:30 am – 11:30 am — o —
  • Por la Tarde: 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Ubicación: Churchill High School, 1850 Bailey Hill Rd, Eugene, OR 97405

Detalles del evento: Quisieramos que:

  • Se sientan seguros de sí mismosantes de comenzar la secundaria.
  • Se familiaricen con la escuela a la que asistirán.
  • Conozcan a los estudiantes de Churchill que los guiarán durante el evento.
  • Hicieran preguntas, escucharanhistorias y obtuvieran consejos.
  • Obtuvieran crédito.
  • Descubrieran recursos escolaresindispensables.
  • Conectaran con e hicieran amigosnuevos para de esa maneracomenzar a adquirir los mejoresrecuerdos de esta experiencia.

Por favor, regístrese lo más pronto posible.

Preguntas: Gene Chism,

4J Summer Intensives Classes

The 4J High School Summer Intensive Program provides opportunities for students to extend their learning into the summer months in courses designed by and led by outstanding 4J licensed educators. Course offerings reflect the curiosities and passions of both students and teachers. Courses are offered at all four high schools; however, students may register for any course, regardless of their home high school.

  • Click here for a list of dates, locations and course descriptions.

4J District News

Free and Reduced Benefits

All 4J families are encouraged to learn more about the benefits of the Free and Reduced-Price meals program. Families who qualify can benefit outside of the school lunch program with free bus passes, healthcare, low-cost internet, reduced sports fees, and more!

Community News

Direction Services 2022 Summer Directory

Summer Food Programs

Random Acts of Kindness Foundation

We are so excited for summer. We know this can be a time when kids are super active, but many of them can sink into the couch and spend too much time on technology. Fear not! We have a fun challenge for your kids to help keep them active, on task, and away from technology so they can experience all the wonderful things summer has to offer! Download the 2022 Summer Challenge and get started right away!

Enjoy your summer, friends!

-The RAK Team

Driver’s Ed at Churchill

City of Eugene 1PASS

This low-cost summer pass provides inexpensive summer fun for kids. The pass allows youth 18 and under to access many local attractions at a discount or without entry fees. 1PASS costs $50 and is valid from July 1 through September 5, 2022.

1Pass will be available for purchase starting June 16 at Amazon Pool, Echo Hollow Pool, Sheldon Pool (currently closed, passes can be purchased next door at Sheldon Center), and Willamalane Center.

City of Eugene Fun for All

The City of Eugene Recreation Services has partnered with a host of community organizations to bring Fun For All to your neighborhood park. Fun for All is a community-wide program that provides free recreation opportunities for youth ages 0-17 (children under 10 must be accompanied by a responsible party aged 15+).

Fun For All sites

July 5-August 26, 2022, Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.:

  • Acorn Park
  • Brewer Park
  • Petersen Barn Park
  • Sladden Park
  • State Street Park
  • Washington Park

Food for Lane County will be at all sites serving lunch from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Questions: contact Billy Hernandez at 541-682-6359

30-Day Language Challenge

  • The U of O CASLS 30-Day Language Challenge gives learners the chance to build fluency and proficiency by using the target language in their daily lives. Learners who complete the challenge receive a limited edition enamel keychain custom printed with their completion badge.

Dungeons & Dragons Summer Camp

  • Bloated Dragon Gaming is offering an adventure role-play summer camp for ages 13–17. Learn more and register at or download the flyer.