Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Today: Climate Action Club meets at lunch in STEM 100; Jewish Cultural Union meets in J11 during lunch; LSU meets at lunch in F46; Theatre Tech meets at 3:45 in the auditorium
Tomorrow: APISU meets at lunch in F55; OBOB (Oregon Battle of the Books) meets at lunch in the library; Thespian Club meets at lunch in H8
Friday: Art Club meets at lunch in B1; Divergence and Disability Alliance meets at lunch in F39; FSU meets in the auditorium at lunch; Dungeons and Dragons Club meets from 4:00-5:00 in J27.
PRIDE week continues today with GSA's Gay Icon Presentation in K8. Look for flyers around the school with a list of our daily events and themes for our pride week.
Tomorrow is Camp Day
Computer Returns
Seniors! Return your school computer before graduation day. Don't forget to return the charger, too. You will not receive your high school diploma until you have returned all school property, including laptops, library books, and textbooks. Computers can be returned to the front office at any time during regular office hours. Or, bring your student computer to the front office during student lunch this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
SAIL Program
Attention all Freshman, Sphamores, and Juniors! The Student Academy to Inspire Learning (aka the SAIL program) at the University of Oregon is hosting several week-long summer camps in July and August! UO faculty will host lectures and activities in a subject of your choice and you will learn tips and tricks about financial aid, applying for college, and getting scholarships from university students for free! A SAIL mentor will give a presentation on the program this Friday June 7th in the College and Career Center in the Front office
Senior Breakfast Tickets
Senior breakfast tickets are on sale all this week during lunch at the planters. $10 each.
Library Announcements
Seniors, all library books and textbooks are due back this Friday! You must return all your books or pay the replacement costs to pick up your diploma.
Freshmen, sophomores' and juniors' textbooks and library books are due on the last day of school.
Pick a cool sticker when you return your book, while supplies last.
Do you want to borrow a stack of library books for the summer? Talk to Debbie or Jennifer in the library for more info!