Thursday, May 30, 2024

Today: Climate Action Club meets at lunch in STEM 100; Jewish Cultural Union meets in J11 during lunch; LSU meets at lunch in F46; Theatre Tech meets at 3:45 in the auditorium.
Tomorrow: APISU meets at lunch in F55; OBOB (Oregon Battle of the Books) meets at lunch in the library; Thespian Club meets at lunch in H8.
Friday: Art Club meets at lunch in B1; Divergence and Disability Alliance meets at lunch in F39; FSU meets in the auditorium at lunch; Dungeons and Dragons Club meets from 4:00-5:00 in J27.
Work Study
Sophomores and juniors are invited to apply for Work Study, a program that offers paid work at nearby schools AND class credit. Students must have a minimum 2.0 G.P.A., a minimum of unexcused absences, and be on track for graduation. Pick up an application outside the school-to-career office in the STEM building or in the college and career center.
CHS Region Affinity Group Senior Send Off Brunch
All are invited to attend the CHS region affinity group senior send off brunch at Churchill High School, on June 8th from 9-11am. There will be food, a photo booth and good times to be had in the community. To register for the event, visit your front office for a flyer. Hope to see you there!
Library Announcement
Seniors -- All library books and textbooks are due back next Friday, June 7th. You must return all your books or pay the replacement costs to pick up your diploma.
Freshmen, sophomores' and juniors' textbooks and library books are due on the last day of school.
Pick a cool water bottle sticker when you return your book, while supplies last.
Northwest Cyber Camp
For the second year, the University of Oregon is hosting the Northwest Cyber Camp (Cybersecurity Camp) for Eugene area high schools. The Cyber Camp has been held at Portland and other area colleges since 2017 but not Eugene until 2023. The camp is free for high school students, does not require any experience in cybersecurity, and seating is limited.