Thursday, May 9, 2024 / Jueves 9 de mayo, 2024

Today: APISU meets at lunch in F55; OBOB (Oregon Battle of the Books) meets at lunch in the library; Thespian Club meets at lunch in H8
Tomorrow: Art Club meets at lunch in B1; Divergence and Disability Alliance meets at lunch in F39; FSU meets in the auditorium at lunch; WISE meets at lunch in the STEM conference room, Dungeons and Dragons Club meets from 4:00-5:00 in J27.
AP Psych Test
The AP Psychology test is today at Valley Covenant Church. Students signed up for the test are released from 2nd period at 11:25 so they can grab their lunch and be at the church by 11:40.
Mean Girls Opening Night
CHS's spring musical, Mean Girls opens TONIGHT, with additional performances on May 10, 11, 16, 17, and 18. All performances are at 7:00 PM. New to her school, Cady Heron gets wrapped up in a plan to take down the clique of the most popular girls in school, the Plastics. Based on the 2004 movie, this cautionary tale of friendship, treachery, and the pursuit of popularity is hilarious and poignant. Tickets are $7 for students and $15 for adults. You can purchase tickets from any CHS Thespian, our poster QR Code, or at the door. You simply have to be there. It's going to be SO FETCH. This musical is rated PG-13.
Break a leg!
Today: Boys Tennis MWL Districts at Thurston at 10:00, excused all day; Varsity Track MWL Districts at S.O.U. at 3:00, excused at 10:00; JV Baseball vs. North Salem at North Salem at 5:00, excused at 1:45; Girls Lacrosse vs. South Eugene at 5:00, Senior Night.
Tomorrow: Girls Tennis MWL Districts vs. Thurston at 10:00, excused all day; Varsity Softball vs. Ashland at 3:00, excused at 1:00, Double Header; Varsity Baseball vs. Ashland at 3:00, excused at 1:00, Double Header.
Saturday: Varsity Track MWL Districts at S.O.U. at 10:30; Boys tennis MWL Districts vs. Thurston at 10:00; Girls Tennis MWL Districts at Thurston at 10:00.
Jueves 9 de mayo, 2024
Hoy: APISU se reúne durante almuerzo en F55; The Divergence and Disability Alliance se reúne durante almuerzo en F37; Thespian Club se reúne durante almuerzo en H8; OBOB se reúne durante almuerzo en la biblioteca
Manana: Art Club se reúne durante almuerzo en B1; Fiber Arts Club se reúne en F FSU se reúne durante almuerzo en el auditorio; WISE se reúne durante almuerzo en STEM conference room; Dungeons and Dragons club se reúne a las 4:00 – 5:00 en J27.
Prueba psicológica AP
El examen de Psicología AP es hoy en Valley Covenant Church. Los estudiantes inscritos para el examen salen del segundo período a las 11:25 para que puedan tomar su almuerzo y estar en la iglesia a las 11:40.
Noche de estreno de Mean Girls
El musical de primavera de CHS, Mean Girls, se estrena ESTA NOCHE, con presentaciones adicionales el 10, 11, 16, 17 y 18 de mayo. Todas las presentaciones son a las 7:00 p.m. Nueva en su escuela, Cady Heron se ve envuelta en un plan para acabar con la camarilla de las chicas más populares de la escuela, las Plásticas. Basada en la película de 2004, esta advertencia sobre la amistad, la traición y la búsqueda de popularidad es hilarante y conmovedora. Los boletos cuestan $7 para estudiantes y $15 para adultos. Puede comprar boletos en cualquier actor de CHS, en nuestro código QR del cartel o en la puerta. Simplemente tienes que estar ahí. Va a ser TAN FETCH. Este musical está clasificado como PG-13.
Hoy: Tenis masculino MWL Distritos en Thurston a ls10:00, excusan por el dia, Varsity atletismo MWL Distritos a las S.O.U. a las 3:00, excusan a las 10:00; JV beisbol contra North Salem en North Salem a las 5:00, excusan a las 1:45; Lacrosse feminino contra South Eugene a las 5:00, Noche de Seniors.
Manana: Tenis feminina MWL Distritos contra Thurston a las 10:00, excusan por el dia; Varsity sofbol contra Ashland a las 3:00, excusan a las 1:00; Varsity beisbol contra Ashland a las 3”00, excusan a las 1:00.
Sabado: Varsity atletismo MWL Distritos a las S.O.U. a las 10:30; Tenis masculino MWL Distritos contra Thurston a las 10:00; Tenis feminina MWL Distritos en Thurston a las 10:00.