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Family Bulletin, November 17, 2023

Posted Date: 04/26/2024

Churchill Families,  

Happy Thanksgiving break!  I hope that you find time next week to rest, relax, and spend time with family and friends, as well as reflect upon the many things in your life that you are thankful for.  I know I am incredibly thankful and honored to be the principal of this great high school, and feel so thankful to be able to work with and support the students, staff, and families here at Churchill. 

Next week we will be holding Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences.  You have time on Monday and Tuesday, from 8 am – 8 pm, to meet as larger groups, as well as individuals student/parent/teacher meetings to discuss ways to support your student(s) here at school and in classes.  Please see our website **** COME BACK AND FIX THIS LINK, as well as the section below for more information.  During these two days we will also have different mini session occurring in Spanish and English on: ParentVue and Canvas support, FAFSA, resumes, LEAP, Safety, Health Services, and many more.  The “Mini-sessions” schedule can be found on our conference link *** COME BACK AND FIX THIS LINK or our CHS Website.

We look forward to seeing those who will be joining us for Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences next week, and for those not joining us, I wish you a restful week off and see you on Monday, November 27th for our A day classes.

Go, Lancers!!

Missy Cole, Principal



NO CLASSES 11/20 – 11/24 — Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences and Thanksgiving Break

Monday, 11/27 A Day Tuesday, 11/28 B Day Wednesday, 11/29 C Day Thursday, 11/30 A Day Friday, 12/1 B Day


Monday – Tuesday, November 20 – 21   Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences 2023 **** COME BACK AND FIX THIS LINK
Wednesday, November 22   SCHOOL CLOSED
Thursday – Friday, November 23 – 24   THANKSGIVING BREAK
NOVEMBER 27 – DECEMBER 1    Week of Native Excellence
Tuesday, November 28 7:45 AM Student of the Month Breakfast
  4:00 PM Auditions for CHS Thespians’ Broadway Revue
Friday, December 1 7:30 PM 4J’s “Good Trouble” Open Mic at CHS


Churchill Family News

Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences

Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences are on November Monday, 20 and Tuesday, 21.

Please find the complete schedule of events and conference signup links here:

Parents can drop off school-aged children at our childcare room (choir room) during their conference times.  


Pass / No-Pass Grading Option

If your student is interested in taking a class as P/NP, they must complete a Google Form with their teacher or counselor no later than 4:00 pm on December 1. Please check in with your student’s counselor about the consequence of a P/NP on their transcript before making a final decision as all P/NP contracts are final and your student cannot request a letter grade once the form is submitted.


Grad Party Papa’s Pizza Fundraiser, November 20

The 2024 Churchill Grad Party is holding a Papa’s Pizza fundraiser on Monday, November 20th. Bring a flyer to Papa’s on November 20, and the Grad Party will receive 50% of the value of the food you purchase!

The Grad Party is a safe, drug- and alcohol-free celebration for our graduates on graduation night. Parents work hard every year to make this celebration fun for our graduates. The Grad Party is a community-sponsored event. Liability is the responsibility of the organizers.

2024 Grad Party Papas Fundraiser Nov 20

Papa Pizza Flyer  

4J News

Bike Theft Prevention

Fighting Bike Theft (PDF)

Together we can prevent bike theft

Given the prevalence of bike theft in our community, we encourage you to follow these tips to reduce the risk of bike theft:

  • Always lock your bike, even if you’re just leaving it for a minute.
  • Lock to something secure, not something like a chain link fence that is easy to cut through.
  • Do not leave your bike locked at school overnight.
  • Lock with a U-lock, not a cable lock.
  • Lock the bike through one of the triangles of the frame, not through the wheel, as that can easily be removed.

Dada la prevalencia del robo de bicicletas en nuestra comunidad, le animamos a seguir estos consejos para reducir el riesgo de robo de bicicletas:

  • Cierre siempre la bicicleta con llave, aunque sólo la deje un momento.
  • Átala a un lugar seguro, no a una valla metálica que pueda cortarse fácilmente.
  • No dejes la bici encerrada en el colegio durante la noche.
  • Asegúrala con un candado en U, no con un candado de cable.
  • Bloquea la bicicleta a través de uno de los triángulos del cuadro, no a través de la rueda, ya que se puede quitar fácilmente.


Help Us Clear the Air at School


We are pleased to share good news regarding our district’s commitment to creating a healthier environment for our staff and students. Recently, our school board passed a No Idling policy. What does this mean for you? When you’re waiting to pick up your students from school, we kindly request that you turn off your car’s engine. This action may seem small, but it can make a big difference.

Why No Idling?

  • Improved Air Quality: Idling cars emit harmful pollutants that can irritate children’s developing lungs and put them at risk for respiratory issues like asthma. By turning off vehicles at arrival and dismissal, we can significantly improve the air quality around our school.
  • Environmental Impact: Did you know that if all of us stop idling for just five minutes a day, it’s equivalent to taking half a million cars off the road?
  • Save money! Most people waste 1-2 entire tankfuls of gas each year by idling.  

Myth Busted: Some believe that turning off and restarting your car’s engine uses more gas or harms the engine. The truth is, idling for more than 30 seconds uses more fuel than restarting the engine, and frequent restarting doesn’t harm the engine. By joining our “Idle-Free Zone,” you are contributing to a cleaner and safer environment for our children and the community. We appreciate your support and participation in this initiative.

Ayúdenos a limpiar el aire en la escuela


Nos complace compartir buenas noticias sobre el compromiso de nuestro distrito de crear un entorno más saludable para nuestro personal y nuestros alumnos. Recientemente, nuestro consejo escolar aprobó una política de No Ralentí. ¿Qué significa esto para usted? Cuando esté esperando para recoger a sus estudiantes de la escuela, le pedimos amablemente que apague el motor de su coche. Esta acción puede parecer pequeña, pero puede marcar una gran diferencia.

¿Por qué no ir al ralentí?

  • Mejora la calidad del aire: Los coches al ralentí emiten contaminantes nocivos que pueden irritar los pulmones en desarrollo de los niños y exponerlos a problemas respiratorios como el asma. Apagando los vehículos a la llegada y a la salida, podemos mejorar significativamente la calidad del aire alrededor de nuestro colegio.
  • Impacto medioambiental: ¿Sabías que si todos dejáramos de circular al ralentí sólo cinco minutos al día, equivaldría a retirar de la circulación medio millón de coches?
  • ¡Ahorra dinero! La mayoría de la gente gasta entre 1 y 2 cisternas enteras de gasolina al año por estar al ralentí.  

Mito desmentido: Algunos creen que apagar y volver a encender el motor de tu coche consume más gasolina o daña el motor. La verdad es que dejar el coche al ralentí durante más de 30 segundos consume más combustible que volver a arrancarlo, y hacerlo con frecuencia no daña el motor. Al unirse a nuestra “Zona sin ralentí”, está contribuyendo a un entorno más limpio y seguro para nuestros hijos y la comunidad. Agradecemos su apoyo y participación en esta iniciativa.  


Community News

KidSports High School Basketball

KidSports high school basketball

High School Basketball

Community Events and Resources

Annual FREE Holiday Meals for the Community!

  • When: Wednesday, December 13th, 2023, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
  • Where: Lane County Youth Services/Carmichael Room – 2727 MLK Blvd, Eugene, Oregon.  Across from Autzen Stadium on the Serbu Youth Campus
  • Why: Free food with friends! Enjoy a great meal with friends, family, and the community. Eat delicious turkey n’ fixings, baked ham, and pie!
  • Questions?: Contact Shelley: (458) 234-3180

***No RSVP Required!!

Connected Lane County is offering Drop-in Services!!

We are excited to offer drop-in services at Spark at Booth-Kelly in Springfield!

What are “drop-in services?”: This is a time and space for you to receive support from our staff and volunteers in a variety of areas. You can use our space to study, enjoy free snacks, and access shower and laundry facilities.

Support Areas Include:

  • Resume and cover letter writing
  • Interview practice
  • Career mentorship
  • Employment navigation
  • Housing and healthcare resources
  • College and scholarship applications CLC Drop-In Flier (PDF)


Oregon Driver Training Institute

Churchill (PDF)

Driver Ed Churchill

ODTI Garfield (PDF)

Drivers Ed - Garfield